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In 2030, what will $100 worth of bitcoin be worth?

Goldman Sachs reported mixed adoption results for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) in May, with heavy profit-taking observed. But amidst this market volatility, a new player is catching the attention of crypto experts and investors looking for the next big meme coin. Enter Big Eyes Coin (BIG), an emerging cryptocurrency set to launch on June 15th. In this article, we’ll compare the potential of Big Eyes Coin with the established giants, Bitcoin and Ethereum, while examining the recent market trends. So, what will $100 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? Let’s dive in and explore.

Big Eyes Coin: Purr-fection Defined


Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain which means it possesses enhanced speed and security, making it an attractive choice for crypto enthusiasts. It’s a community-focused meme coin giving complete decision-making power to its community members. One of these community decisions was to move up the presale’s end date and start the countdown to the launch, which will happen on June 15th after raising just over $27 million.

Big Eyes Coin will launch at $0.0006 per token on OKX DEX, Uniswap, and Poloneix CEX, and it will be compatible with the OKX wallet, providing early investors with convenience and great value for their money. Additionally, an upcoming crypto casino is set to debut in late August, and it will offer over 4000 games, including play-to-earn options. All transactions within the casino will contribute to the 24-hour trading cycle for BIG, generating interest in the token across exchanges and helping BIG rank higher in comparison to other coins.

Charity and environmentalism are core aspects of the project as well, with a dedicated charity wallet containing 5% of the token’s overall supply. The contents of this wallet were donated to charities around the world, and by the end of presale BIG had donated over $15K to 15 different charities around the world all concerned with saving the ocean and marine life. To know more about Big Eyes Coin’s charitable efforts follow them on Twitter, or you can also visit the website and sign up for the countdown to launch.

Despite heavy profit-taking observed in May, Bitcoin remains a dominant force in the crypto world. The decrease in addresses holding over 100,000 BTC indicates profit realization, while the Bitcoin average mean hash rate reached an all-time high, demonstrating mining strength. However, network congestion led to a decline in address activity. Bitcoin’s historical performance suggests the possibility of substantial returns, but predicting exact figures remains uncertain.

Ethereum: Holding Ground Despite SEC Legal Action


Ethereum (ETH) faced the SEC’s actions against Binance and Coinbase in May, but Ether’s price held above the $1,780 support level. Exclusion from the SEC’s cases was viewed positively by analysts, although speculations of a separate lawsuit targeting the Ethereum Foundation emerged. Short-term indicators such as price action and network data suggest resilience for Ethereum. Furthermore, Ethereum DApps experienced a slight increase in total value locked and active addresses. With these factors in mind, Ethereum’s price is poised to hold above $1,800, reducing the risk of an immediate price crash.

While Bitcoin and Ethereum face profit-taking and regulatory uncertainties, it’s difficult to accurately predict their future prices despite both being at the top in the market. So, we cannot say for certain what $100 worth of Bitcoin will be worth in 2030, but we can see that innovative projects like Big Eyes Coin have got lots of potential. With its presale so successful, and centralized exchange listing already secured, all that’s left for BIG is to launch, which it will do in less than two weeks. So, hurry up and claim your spot on the launch team by registering your email on the website.

Big Eyes Coin (BIG)

Website: https://bigeyes.space/

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @BIGEYESOFFICIAL

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BigEyesCoin/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BigEyesCoin


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Author: Rhonda Webster

Last Updated: 1699988522

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Name: Rhonda Webster

Birthday: 1983-07-24

Address: Unit 5717 Box 0062, DPO AA 53651

Phone: +3821284090777894

Job: Archaeologist

Hobby: Playing Chess, Cocktail Mixing, Stargazing, Geocaching, Calligraphy, Ice Skating, Survival Skills

Introduction: My name is Rhonda Webster, I am a intrepid, rich, frank, unyielding, candid, resolved, important person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.